8:55 PM
Billboard Music Awards 2012 - Full 2 Hour Show Watch Online
Written By Unknown on Friday, June 1, 2012 | 8:55 PM
Billboard Music Awards
10:43 AM
Ten years on; mystery behind Nepal royal massacre still lingers
काठमाडौ, जेठ १९ । आज जेठ १९, तत्कालिन राजा विरेन्द्र शाहको बंशनाश हुने गरी दरवार हत्याकाण्ड भएको ११ वर्ष पुरा भएको छ । २०५८ साल जेठ १९ गते भएको दरवार हत्याकाण्डमा राजा विरेन्द्र शाहको बंशनाश भएको थियो । शुक्रबारको रात्रि भोजमा भएको हत्याकाण्डमा तत्कालिन राजन विरेन्द्र, रानी ऐश्वर्य, युवराज, दिपेन्द्र, अधिराजकुमार निराजन, राजकुमारी श्रृति सहित ९ जनाको मृत्यु भएको थियो ।
नेपाली राजनीतिमा दरबार हत्याकाण्डलाई राजतन्त्रको अवसानको सुरुवातका रुपमा हेरिन्छ । घटनापछि गठित छानविन समितिले तत्कालिन युवराज दिपेन्द्रले हत्याकाण्ड घटाएको बताएपनि धेरैले त्यसलाई स्वीकार गरेका छैनन । नारायणहिटी दरबार संग्राहलय उद्घाटनका क्रममा तत्काल प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दहाल प्रचण्डले हत्याकाण्डको पुनः छानविन गर्ने बताएपछि कार्यान्वयन हुन सकेन ।
नेपाली राजनीतिमा दरबार हत्याकाण्डलाई राजतन्त्रको अवसानको सुरुवातका रुपमा हेरिन्छ । घटनापछि गठित छानविन समितिले तत्कालिन युवराज दिपेन्द्रले हत्याकाण्ड घटाएको बताएपनि धेरैले त्यसलाई स्वीकार गरेका छैनन । नारायणहिटी दरबार संग्राहलय उद्घाटनका क्रममा तत्काल प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दहाल प्रचण्डले हत्याकाण्डको पुनः छानविन गर्ने बताएपछि कार्यान्वयन हुन सकेन ।
Daily News
10:38 AM
गोली हानी हत्या गरिएका सर्वोच्च अदालतका न्यायाधिस रणबहादुर बमको पार्थिव शरीरलाई अन्तिम श्रद्धाञ्जलिका लागि सर्वोच्च अदालतको प्राङ्गणमा राखिएको छ । उहाँको शवलाई विहान ११ बजे सम्म सर्वोच्च अदालतका परिसरमा राखिने छ ।
न्यायाधीश बमलाई श्राद्वाञ्जलि दिनको लागि सर्वोच्च अदालतका प्रधान न्यायाधीश, न्यायाधीश, कानून व्यवसायी, बिभिन्न सङ्घ, सङ्गठनका पदाधिकारी तथा शुभचिन्तहरुको भीड लागेको छ । सर्वोच्च अदालतको बिहीबार बसेको पूर्ण बैठकले स्वर्गीय बमप्रति श्रद्धाञ्जलि र शोक सन्तप्त परिवारप्रति समवेदना व्यक्त गर्दै उहाँको पार्थिव शरीरलाई राष्ट्रिय सम्मानका साथ आर्यघाटमा दाहसंस्कार गरिने निर्णय गरेको थियो ।
स्वर्गीय न्यायाधीश बमको आजै दाह संस्कार गरिने बताइएको छ । राजधानीको शङ्खमुल नजिक अज्ञात ब्यक्तिले हानेको गोली लागेर घाइते हुनु भएका बमको उपचारका क्रममा बिहीबार दिउँसो मृत्यु भएको हो ।
यसैबीच सर्वोच्च अदालतका न्यायाधीश रणबहादुर बममाथि गोली प्रहार गरी हत्या गरेको घटनाका सम्बन्धमा अनुसन्धान गर्न गठित छानबिन समितिले काम सुरु गरेको जनाएको छ । समितिले घटनाकेा बारेमा अनुसन्धानलाई तीब्रता दिएको बताए पनि अहिलेसम्म कुनै उपलब्धी हासिल गर्न सकेको छैन । प्रहरी प्रधान कार्यालयले बिहीबार नै महानगरी प्रहरी आयुक्त कार्यालय प्रमुख प्रहरी अतिरिक्त महानिरीक्षक कुवेरसिंह रानाको संयोजकत्वमा पाँच सदस्यीय समिति गठन गरेको छ ।
अन्तिम श्रद्धाञ्जलीका लागि बमको शव सर्वोच्चमा News | Operation Big News May 31st, 2012
न्यायाधीश बमलाई श्राद्वाञ्जलि दिनको लागि सर्वोच्च अदालतका प्रधान न्यायाधीश, न्यायाधीश, कानून व्यवसायी, बिभिन्न सङ्घ, सङ्गठनका पदाधिकारी तथा शुभचिन्तहरुको भीड लागेको छ । सर्वोच्च अदालतको बिहीबार बसेको पूर्ण बैठकले स्वर्गीय बमप्रति श्रद्धाञ्जलि र शोक सन्तप्त परिवारप्रति समवेदना व्यक्त गर्दै उहाँको पार्थिव शरीरलाई राष्ट्रिय सम्मानका साथ आर्यघाटमा दाहसंस्कार गरिने निर्णय गरेको थियो ।
स्वर्गीय न्यायाधीश बमको आजै दाह संस्कार गरिने बताइएको छ । राजधानीको शङ्खमुल नजिक अज्ञात ब्यक्तिले हानेको गोली लागेर घाइते हुनु भएका बमको उपचारका क्रममा बिहीबार दिउँसो मृत्यु भएको हो ।
यसैबीच सर्वोच्च अदालतका न्यायाधीश रणबहादुर बममाथि गोली प्रहार गरी हत्या गरेको घटनाका सम्बन्धमा अनुसन्धान गर्न गठित छानबिन समितिले काम सुरु गरेको जनाएको छ । समितिले घटनाकेा बारेमा अनुसन्धानलाई तीब्रता दिएको बताए पनि अहिलेसम्म कुनै उपलब्धी हासिल गर्न सकेको छैन । प्रहरी प्रधान कार्यालयले बिहीबार नै महानगरी प्रहरी आयुक्त कार्यालय प्रमुख प्रहरी अतिरिक्त महानिरीक्षक कुवेरसिंह रानाको संयोजकत्वमा पाँच सदस्यीय समिति गठन गरेको छ ।
Daily News
10:29 AM
काठमाडौ, जेठ १८ । राजधानीकिो शंखमुल नजिकै युएनपार्क छेउमा सर्वोच्च अदालतका न्यायाधीश रणबहादुर बममाथि गोली प्रहार गरी हत्या गरिएको छ । राजधानीको शंखमुलमा बिहान सवा ११ बजे मोटरसाइकलमा आएका दुई अज्ञात व्यक्तिले बममाथि गोली प्रहार गरेको थियो ।घाटी, छाती र शरीरका विभिन्न भागमा गोली लागेका वमको शल्यक्रियाकै क्रममा निधन भएको हो । बममाथि ४ राउण्ड गोली प्रहार गरिएको थियो ।घट्नामा उहाँका साथ रहनुभएका राम गिरि पनि घाइते हुनुभएको छ । यसैविच तत्काल दोषीलाई पक्राउ गर्न प्रधानमन्त्रीले गृहमन्त्री र गृहसचिवलाई निर्देशन दिनुभएको छ । बा ८ च ५८५३ नम्बरको कारमा रहेका बममाथि विपरीत दिशाबाट आएका मोटरसाइमलमा रहेका युवाले गोली हानेका थिए । गोली लागेर न्यायाधीश बमका अंगरक्षक महेश सिंह समेत घाइते भएका थिए । घटनालगत्तै प्रहरीले बम र अंग रक्षकलाई उद्धार गरी प्रहरीले अस्पताल पु¥याएको थियो । नर्भिक अस्पतालमा उपचारका क्रममा न्यायाधीस बमको मृत्यु भएको हो ।
सर्वोच्च अदातलका न्यायाधीश रणवहादुर बम हत्याकाण्डको छानविन गर्न सरकारले एआईजि कुवेर सिंह राणाको संयोजकत्वमा समिति गठन गरेको छ । दिन दहाडै राजधानीमा नै सर्बोच्च अदालतका न्यायधीशको गोली हानी हत्या भएपछि केन्द्रीय सुरक्षा समितिको बैठकले छानविन समिति गठन गरेको हो । अज्ञात समुहले गोली प्रहार गरि न्यायधीश बमको हत्या गरेको थियो । आजै शंखमुलमा गोली प्रहारबाट गम्भिर घाईते हुनुभएका बमको नर्भिक अस्पताल थापाथलीमा उपचारका क्रममा मृत्यु भएको हो । चिकित्सकहरुका अनुसार बम माथि ६ राउण्ड गोलि प्रहार भएको थियो ।
सर्वोच्चका न्यायाधीश रणबहादुर बमको गोली हानी हत्या
सर्वोच्च अदातलका न्यायाधीश रणवहादुर बम हत्याकाण्डको छानविन गर्न सरकारले एआईजि कुवेर सिंह राणाको संयोजकत्वमा समिति गठन गरेको छ । दिन दहाडै राजधानीमा नै सर्बोच्च अदालतका न्यायधीशको गोली हानी हत्या भएपछि केन्द्रीय सुरक्षा समितिको बैठकले छानविन समिति गठन गरेको हो । अज्ञात समुहले गोली प्रहार गरि न्यायधीश बमको हत्या गरेको थियो । आजै शंखमुलमा गोली प्रहारबाट गम्भिर घाईते हुनुभएका बमको नर्भिक अस्पताल थापाथलीमा उपचारका क्रममा मृत्यु भएको हो । चिकित्सकहरुका अनुसार बम माथि ६ राउण्ड गोलि प्रहार भएको थियो ।
Daily News
10:27 AM
Salt Lake celebrates National Donut Day
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News)- It's the first Friday of June which means that it is National Donut Day.
Sugar Baby's Donut Works owner Darla Milligan is celebrating by giving away free donuts to anyone who buys any one item in the bakery.
Sugar Baby's Donut Works has been in business for over three years and they have over 35 varieties of donuts.
The bakery features the basic glazed and chocolate donuts but they specialize in producing flavors such as "cookie crunch" and "key lime".
Free donuts will be given Friday when any other item is purchased in the bakery.
Sugar Baby's Donut Works is located at 2278 S. Redwood Road.
Other donut shops around Utah were offering similar deals.
Utah celebrates National Donut Day
Salt Lake celebrates National Donut Day
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News)- It's the first Friday of June which means that it is National Donut Day.
Sugar Baby's Donut Works owner Darla Milligan is celebrating by giving away free donuts to anyone who buys any one item in the bakery.
Sugar Baby's Donut Works has been in business for over three years and they have over 35 varieties of donuts.
The bakery features the basic glazed and chocolate donuts but they specialize in producing flavors such as "cookie crunch" and "key lime".
Free donuts will be given Friday when any other item is purchased in the bakery.
Sugar Baby's Donut Works is located at 2278 S. Redwood Road.
Other donut shops around Utah were offering similar deals.
Breaking News
10:24 AM
New Exhibit Opens at Hogle Zoo
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - Hogle Zoo opened their $18 million "Rocky Shores" exhibit Friday morning.
The new exhibit features animals from the Pacific coast such as bears, sea lions, seals and otters.
The structure will be the zoo's largest exhibit in the Hogle Zoo's 81-year history and will feature the very much-awaited return of the polar bears.
The exhibit will also house bald eagles.
New exhibit opens at Hogle Zoo
New Exhibit Opens at Hogle Zoo
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - Hogle Zoo opened their $18 million "Rocky Shores" exhibit Friday morning.
The new exhibit features animals from the Pacific coast such as bears, sea lions, seals and otters.
The structure will be the zoo's largest exhibit in the Hogle Zoo's 81-year history and will feature the very much-awaited return of the polar bears.
The exhibit will also house bald eagles.
Breaking News
10:19 AM
SARATOGA SPRINGS, UTAH (ABC 4 News) – A fast-moving wildfire sent smoke billowing across Utah County and has consumed over 1000 acres of brush just south of Saratoga Springs in the Lake Mountain area.
Jason Curry with the Utah Division of Forestry says the fire was apparently started by a couple of men who were out target shooting in an area along State Route 68 Thursday afternoon.
The gunfire caused sparks in the dry grass, and Curry said the men tried to put out the flames. When their efforts were unsuccessful, they called 911.
Curry says the smoke was so thick it contributed to two traffic accidents in the area. And at one point, the flames jumped the West side of the road and began to burn on the East side about a half mile from a house and farm.
Firefighters quickly put that part of the fire out.
Curry says when firefighters arrived on scene, the flames were so intense they were swirling around “like a vortex” or a “mini tornado.” He says 20 mile per hour winds were not helping the situation.
120 fire fighters from eight different agencies were out battling the blaze on Thursday night.
State Route 68 was closed from just south of Saratoga Springs and just north of Elberta.
Wildfire scorches hundreds of acres in Utah County
A wildfire has charred hundreds of acres near Lake Mountain just south of Saratoga Springs (Don Hudson, Don Hudson) |
SARATOGA SPRINGS, UTAH (ABC 4 News) – A fast-moving wildfire sent smoke billowing across Utah County and has consumed over 1000 acres of brush just south of Saratoga Springs in the Lake Mountain area.
Jason Curry with the Utah Division of Forestry says the fire was apparently started by a couple of men who were out target shooting in an area along State Route 68 Thursday afternoon.
The gunfire caused sparks in the dry grass, and Curry said the men tried to put out the flames. When their efforts were unsuccessful, they called 911.
Curry says the smoke was so thick it contributed to two traffic accidents in the area. And at one point, the flames jumped the West side of the road and began to burn on the East side about a half mile from a house and farm.
Firefighters quickly put that part of the fire out.
Curry says when firefighters arrived on scene, the flames were so intense they were swirling around “like a vortex” or a “mini tornado.” He says 20 mile per hour winds were not helping the situation.
120 fire fighters from eight different agencies were out battling the blaze on Thursday night.
State Route 68 was closed from just south of Saratoga Springs and just north of Elberta.
Breaking News
10:11 AM
Salt Lake City, Utah (ABC 4 News)- Kane County Emergency Services have released the names of those involved in a fatal plane crash just north of Zion National Park.
All four people are from Las Vegas where the flight originated. The pilot 31 year old Joshua Stubblefield, Chris Spircu,44 years old, Paul Andrews was 32 years old and Todd Stuntzer was 45 years old all died upon impact.
The group had been traveling from the North Las Vegas airport to an airstrip outside Bryce National Park and crashed Just north of Zions National park on Wednesday May 30th 2012.
Kane County releases names of victims in plane crash
All four people are from Las Vegas where the flight originated. The pilot 31 year old Joshua Stubblefield, Chris Spircu,44 years old, Paul Andrews was 32 years old and Todd Stuntzer was 45 years old all died upon impact.
The group had been traveling from the North Las Vegas airport to an airstrip outside Bryce National Park and crashed Just north of Zions National park on Wednesday May 30th 2012.
Breaking News
10:09 AM
Khushi informs Manorama that she is going to Madhumati's house. She recognizes Arnav's kidnapper on the street and follows him. The kidnapper attacks her and locks her up in a room. Arnav feels Khushi's presence in the room next to his. Payal waits for Akash in a coffee shop but he gets busy with work and forgets their date. A stranger chats with her while she waits for Akash. Arnav and Khushi are elated to see each other. Arnav tries to break the grill in the ventilator to reach Khushi.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon : 31st May 2012
Khushi informs Manorama that she is going to Madhumati's house. She recognizes Arnav's kidnapper on the street and follows him. The kidnapper attacks her and locks her up in a room. Arnav feels Khushi's presence in the room next to his. Payal waits for Akash in a coffee shop but he gets busy with work and forgets their date. A stranger chats with her while she waits for Akash. Arnav and Khushi are elated to see each other. Arnav tries to break the grill in the ventilator to reach Khushi.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon
10:02 AM
"Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him.
Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya.
Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas etc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house.
Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She realizes that each one is difficult to deal with. If one wants omlette for breakfast, the other wants halwa. And as if this was not enough there is a sasurji who is kind of a hitler and a chacha sasur who is a hitler-hater. An old dada sasur is also there to make matters worse.
Taanya's despairs as she realizes that she needs to play the warden of a boy's hostel where the boys ranged 60 to 12 in age groups. Taanya gives up, accuses Tej of cheating her by not telling the truth and leaves the house.
She returns to her maternal home, only to find that her brother and bhabhi all packed and ready to leave the house and her mother crying. Taanya's bhabhi does not want to take the responsibility of her in-laws and hence she moves out of the house with Taanya's brother. And before a shocked Taanya can utter a word about her own problem, her mother tells her that a woman, like a needle is supposed to stitch a family together and not break it. She asks Taanya to always keep her family together and never do anything to break it. Taanya has no alternative and she returns -- determined to face the challenge. "
Saas Bina Sasuraal : Episode 354 - 30th May 2012
"Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him.
Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya.
Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas etc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house.
Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She realizes that each one is difficult to deal with. If one wants omlette for breakfast, the other wants halwa. And as if this was not enough there is a sasurji who is kind of a hitler and a chacha sasur who is a hitler-hater. An old dada sasur is also there to make matters worse.
Taanya's despairs as she realizes that she needs to play the warden of a boy's hostel where the boys ranged 60 to 12 in age groups. Taanya gives up, accuses Tej of cheating her by not telling the truth and leaves the house.
She returns to her maternal home, only to find that her brother and bhabhi all packed and ready to leave the house and her mother crying. Taanya's bhabhi does not want to take the responsibility of her in-laws and hence she moves out of the house with Taanya's brother. And before a shocked Taanya can utter a word about her own problem, her mother tells her that a woman, like a needle is supposed to stitch a family together and not break it. She asks Taanya to always keep her family together and never do anything to break it. Taanya has no alternative and she returns -- determined to face the challenge. "
Saas Bina Sasuraal
10:00 AM
'Parvarrish -- Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi' is a beautiful narration of parent-child relationship -- a story of nurturing, supporting and guiding the child and most importantly the different roles parents play while bringing up their children. The different thoughts and beliefs of parenting come alive in the strong role-play of different sets of parents and their varied approach towards upbringing of the kids. Paravrrish unfurls these diverse roles that parents play in development of their children. It is the story of real people, real emotions of parenting set in present day times.Parvarrish is an interestingly woven family drama about two sisters, Sweety Ahluwalia and Pinky Ahuja, who are caught up in a hearty sibling rivalry in their attempt to be a better parent. Each has a different set of beliefs and a different take on how one needs to bring up their children and like all the parents in today's world, both the sisters and their husbands play different roles at different points and in their children's lives. Pinky believes that one needs to be a friend to one's children, whereas Sweety believes in being a stricter and disciplinarian mother. The show explores the universal concept of parenting with two mothers and their different approaches towards it.Parvarish is not just about the varied roles that parents play in the journey of bringing up their children ... it is about a different world altogether -- a world filled with the pangs and the joys of being parents.
Parvarish : Episode 138 - 30th May 2012
'Parvarrish -- Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi' is a beautiful narration of parent-child relationship -- a story of nurturing, supporting and guiding the child and most importantly the different roles parents play while bringing up their children. The different thoughts and beliefs of parenting come alive in the strong role-play of different sets of parents and their varied approach towards upbringing of the kids. Paravrrish unfurls these diverse roles that parents play in development of their children. It is the story of real people, real emotions of parenting set in present day times.Parvarrish is an interestingly woven family drama about two sisters, Sweety Ahluwalia and Pinky Ahuja, who are caught up in a hearty sibling rivalry in their attempt to be a better parent. Each has a different set of beliefs and a different take on how one needs to bring up their children and like all the parents in today's world, both the sisters and their husbands play different roles at different points and in their children's lives. Pinky believes that one needs to be a friend to one's children, whereas Sweety believes in being a stricter and disciplinarian mother. The show explores the universal concept of parenting with two mothers and their different approaches towards it.Parvarish is not just about the varied roles that parents play in the journey of bringing up their children ... it is about a different world altogether -- a world filled with the pangs and the joys of being parents.
9:56 AM
Based in the beautiful locales of Lucknow and on the backdrop of a hospital setting, KTLK is a different love story between two very different people with a substanital age gap.The show highlights the nuances of a complicated relationship when people with a huge age difference fall in love.Kuch Toh Log Kahenge' is a heartwarming love story between people from two different generations:a young, spirited Dr. Nidhi Verma [age 24] and a brooding and handsome Dr. Ashutosh [age 38]. The duo share a connection from the past which they are blissfully unaware of.Will Nidhi be able to break in through the fort that Ashutosh has built around himself? What happens when both their pasts come to haunt them and pitch them against each other?
Kuch Toh Log Kahenge : Episode 173 - 30th May 2012
Based in the beautiful locales of Lucknow and on the backdrop of a hospital setting, KTLK is a different love story between two very different people with a substanital age gap.The show highlights the nuances of a complicated relationship when people with a huge age difference fall in love.Kuch Toh Log Kahenge' is a heartwarming love story between people from two different generations:a young, spirited Dr. Nidhi Verma [age 24] and a brooding and handsome Dr. Ashutosh [age 38]. The duo share a connection from the past which they are blissfully unaware of.Will Nidhi be able to break in through the fort that Ashutosh has built around himself? What happens when both their pasts come to haunt them and pitch them against each other?
Kuch Toh Log Kahenge
9:54 AM
"Every average girl in India, has a picture of an ideal dream husband in terms of looks, nature and outlook towards life.
The expectations from the husband are fairly simple -- need to provide security, tender moments of love which may or may not be met.
Shubh Vivaah is a story of a father and his five daughters. The love they share, the bonds they cement, the faith they place on each other and the dedication with which they try to change the harsh realities of their lives."
Shubh Vivah : Episode 66 - 29th May 2012
"Every average girl in India, has a picture of an ideal dream husband in terms of looks, nature and outlook towards life.
The expectations from the husband are fairly simple -- need to provide security, tender moments of love which may or may not be met.
Shubh Vivaah is a story of a father and his five daughters. The love they share, the bonds they cement, the faith they place on each other and the dedication with which they try to change the harsh realities of their lives."
Shubh Vivah
9:51 AM
Somewhere in us all of us have for us a large dream. A dream we visit now and then secretly. A dream which we ourselves believe is out of our reach. Few of us see life throw the dream at us. But when dreams come true overnight they bring with them a set of challenges, complexities and difficult decisions. Muniya's dream of turning into a princess has come true.What will be the new challenges? Can Muniya live up to the challenges? Will hers be a happily-ever-after Story? Come witness the story unfold: Dekha Ek Khwaab.
Dekha Ek Khwaab : Episode 136 - 29th May 2012
Somewhere in us all of us have for us a large dream. A dream we visit now and then secretly. A dream which we ourselves believe is out of our reach. Few of us see life throw the dream at us. But when dreams come true overnight they bring with them a set of challenges, complexities and difficult decisions. Muniya's dream of turning into a princess has come true.What will be the new challenges? Can Muniya live up to the challenges? Will hers be a happily-ever-after Story? Come witness the story unfold: Dekha Ek Khwaab.
Dekha Ek Khwaab
9:49 AM
Khushi spies on Shyam and follows him to a hideout. She loses her balance while peeping from a window and falls. Shyam's goons take Khushi to him. Khushi confronts Shyam about the person whom he was threatening. But he makes an excuse of dealing about the renovation of his house. Manorama and Khushi get a parcel of Arnav's medicines. They go to the medical shops to get some clue on Arnav's whereabouts.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon : 30th May 2012
Khushi spies on Shyam and follows him to a hideout. She loses her balance while peeping from a window and falls. Shyam's goons take Khushi to him. Khushi confronts Shyam about the person whom he was threatening. But he makes an excuse of dealing about the renovation of his house. Manorama and Khushi get a parcel of Arnav's medicines. They go to the medical shops to get some clue on Arnav's whereabouts.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon
9:47 AM
Pradeep Singh and Mona Singh are a young couple living independently in Mumbai in a nuclear setup with their 3 kids- Bulbul (9), Rano (7) and Rajbir (5). They have been married for 10years now and they have dealt with several situations together in the past. Pradeep has stepped out of his father's business and house and wants to carve his own niche. Mona has stood by him in this endeavor. Inspite of that Pradeep and Mona's pot of joy is spilling over- they have 3 children and a life which revolves around work and children.Their biggest achievement, the children, is also what has created a wedge between them. Mona whose only priority was her husband today has 3 kids screaming for her attention and at times even demanding it. Hers is the classic case of a woman who ceases to play any other role except that of a mom
Kya Huaa Tera Vaada : Episode 71 - 30th May 2012
Pradeep Singh and Mona Singh are a young couple living independently in Mumbai in a nuclear setup with their 3 kids- Bulbul (9), Rano (7) and Rajbir (5). They have been married for 10years now and they have dealt with several situations together in the past. Pradeep has stepped out of his father's business and house and wants to carve his own niche. Mona has stood by him in this endeavor. Inspite of that Pradeep and Mona's pot of joy is spilling over- they have 3 children and a life which revolves around work and children.Their biggest achievement, the children, is also what has created a wedge between them. Mona whose only priority was her husband today has 3 kids screaming for her attention and at times even demanding it. Hers is the classic case of a woman who ceases to play any other role except that of a mom
Kya Huaa Tera Vaada
9:44 AM
Bade Acche Laggte Hai is the story of two strangers getting married ... and falling in love. Priya is a happy go lucky woman in her early 30s, not married so far and quite sure that she wouldn't be able to get married ever. She takes tuitions for college students and is happy with the world.Ram Kapoor, a wealthy man in his early 40s, is a ruthless entrepreneur who also believes that he has missed the bus of marriage. But as fate would have it, they bump into each other through a minor car accident which hurts their egos more than their vehicles and then after a series of miscommunications and misunderstandings, destiny contrives once again to get the two married.What more surprises await Ram and Priya? Will they fall in love? To get these answers, watch Bade Acche Laggte Hai ... yeh dharti, yeh nadiyaa, yeh raina aur tum.
Bade Acche Lagte Hai : Episode 212 - 30th May 2012
Bade Acche Laggte Hai is the story of two strangers getting married ... and falling in love. Priya is a happy go lucky woman in her early 30s, not married so far and quite sure that she wouldn't be able to get married ever. She takes tuitions for college students and is happy with the world.Ram Kapoor, a wealthy man in his early 40s, is a ruthless entrepreneur who also believes that he has missed the bus of marriage. But as fate would have it, they bump into each other through a minor car accident which hurts their egos more than their vehicles and then after a series of miscommunications and misunderstandings, destiny contrives once again to get the two married.What more surprises await Ram and Priya? Will they fall in love? To get these answers, watch Bade Acche Laggte Hai ... yeh dharti, yeh nadiyaa, yeh raina aur tum.
Bade Acche Lagte Hai
9:41 AM
"Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him.
Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya.
Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas etc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house.
Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She realizes that each one is difficult to deal with. If one wants omlette for breakfast, the other wants halwa. And as if this was not enough there is a sasurji who is kind of a hitler and a chacha sasur who is a hitler-hater. An old dada sasur is also there to make matters worse.
Taanya's despairs as she realizes that she needs to play the warden of a boy's hostel where the boys ranged 60 to 12 in age groups. Taanya gives up, accuses Tej of cheating her by not telling the truth and leaves the house.
She returns to her maternal home, only to find that her brother and bhabhi all packed and ready to leave the house and her mother crying. Taanya's bhabhi does not want to take the responsibility of her in-laws and hence she moves out of the house with Taanya's brother. And before a shocked Taanya can utter a word about her own problem, her mother tells her that a woman, like a needle is supposed to stitch a family together and not break it. She asks Taanya to always keep her family together and never do anything to break it. Taanya has no alternative and she returns -- determined to face the challenge. "
Saas Bina Sasuraal : Episode 353 - 29th May 2012
"Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him.
Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya.
Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas etc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house.
Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She realizes that each one is difficult to deal with. If one wants omlette for breakfast, the other wants halwa. And as if this was not enough there is a sasurji who is kind of a hitler and a chacha sasur who is a hitler-hater. An old dada sasur is also there to make matters worse.
Taanya's despairs as she realizes that she needs to play the warden of a boy's hostel where the boys ranged 60 to 12 in age groups. Taanya gives up, accuses Tej of cheating her by not telling the truth and leaves the house.
She returns to her maternal home, only to find that her brother and bhabhi all packed and ready to leave the house and her mother crying. Taanya's bhabhi does not want to take the responsibility of her in-laws and hence she moves out of the house with Taanya's brother. And before a shocked Taanya can utter a word about her own problem, her mother tells her that a woman, like a needle is supposed to stitch a family together and not break it. She asks Taanya to always keep her family together and never do anything to break it. Taanya has no alternative and she returns -- determined to face the challenge. "
Saas Bina Sasuraal
9:37 AM
'Parvarrish -- Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi' is a beautiful narration of parent-child relationship -- a story of nurturing, supporting and guiding the child and most importantly the different roles parents play while bringing up their children. The different thoughts and beliefs of parenting come alive in the strong role-play of different sets of parents and their varied approach towards upbringing of the kids. Paravrrish unfurls these diverse roles that parents play in development of their children. It is the story of real people, real emotions of parenting set in present day times.Parvarrish is an interestingly woven family drama about two sisters, Sweety Ahluwalia and Pinky Ahuja, who are caught up in a hearty sibling rivalry in their attempt to be a better parent. Each has a different set of beliefs and a different take on how one needs to bring up their children and like all the parents in today's world, both the sisters and their husbands play different roles at different points and in their children's lives. Pinky believes that one needs to be a friend to one's children, whereas Sweety believes in being a stricter and disciplinarian mother. The show explores the universal concept of parenting with two mothers and their different approaches towards it.Parvarish is not just about the varied roles that parents play in the journey of bringing up their children ... it is about a different world altogether -- a world filled with the pangs and the joys of being parents.
Parvarish : Episode 137 - 29th May 2012
'Parvarrish -- Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi' is a beautiful narration of parent-child relationship -- a story of nurturing, supporting and guiding the child and most importantly the different roles parents play while bringing up their children. The different thoughts and beliefs of parenting come alive in the strong role-play of different sets of parents and their varied approach towards upbringing of the kids. Paravrrish unfurls these diverse roles that parents play in development of their children. It is the story of real people, real emotions of parenting set in present day times.Parvarrish is an interestingly woven family drama about two sisters, Sweety Ahluwalia and Pinky Ahuja, who are caught up in a hearty sibling rivalry in their attempt to be a better parent. Each has a different set of beliefs and a different take on how one needs to bring up their children and like all the parents in today's world, both the sisters and their husbands play different roles at different points and in their children's lives. Pinky believes that one needs to be a friend to one's children, whereas Sweety believes in being a stricter and disciplinarian mother. The show explores the universal concept of parenting with two mothers and their different approaches towards it.Parvarish is not just about the varied roles that parents play in the journey of bringing up their children ... it is about a different world altogether -- a world filled with the pangs and the joys of being parents.
9:35 AM
Based in the beautiful locales of Lucknow and on the backdrop of a hospital setting, KTLK is a different love story between two very different people with a substanital age gap.The show highlights the nuances of a complicated relationship when people with a huge age difference fall in love.Kuch Toh Log Kahenge' is a heartwarming love story between people from two different generations:a young, spirited Dr. Nidhi Verma [age 24] and a brooding and handsome Dr. Ashutosh [age 38]. The duo share a connection from the past which they are blissfully unaware of.Will Nidhi be able to break in through the fort that Ashutosh has built around himself? What happens when both their pasts come to haunt them and pitch them against each other?
Kuch Toh Log Kahenge : Episode 172 - 29th May 2012
Based in the beautiful locales of Lucknow and on the backdrop of a hospital setting, KTLK is a different love story between two very different people with a substanital age gap.The show highlights the nuances of a complicated relationship when people with a huge age difference fall in love.Kuch Toh Log Kahenge' is a heartwarming love story between people from two different generations:a young, spirited Dr. Nidhi Verma [age 24] and a brooding and handsome Dr. Ashutosh [age 38]. The duo share a connection from the past which they are blissfully unaware of.Will Nidhi be able to break in through the fort that Ashutosh has built around himself? What happens when both their pasts come to haunt them and pitch them against each other?
Kuch Toh Log Kahenge
9:32 AM
"Every average girl in India, has a picture of an ideal dream husband in terms of looks, nature and outlook towards life.
The expectations from the husband are fairly simple -- need to provide security, tender moments of love which may or may not be met.
Shubh Vivaah is a story of a father and his five daughters. The love they share, the bonds they cement, the faith they place on each other and the dedication with which they try to change the harsh realities of their lives."
Shubh Vivah : Episode 65 - 28th May 2012
"Every average girl in India, has a picture of an ideal dream husband in terms of looks, nature and outlook towards life.
The expectations from the husband are fairly simple -- need to provide security, tender moments of love which may or may not be met.
Shubh Vivaah is a story of a father and his five daughters. The love they share, the bonds they cement, the faith they place on each other and the dedication with which they try to change the harsh realities of their lives."
Shubh Vivah
9:23 AM
Somewhere in us all of us have for us a large dream. A dream we visit now and then secretly. A dream which we ourselves believe is out of our reach. Few of us see life throw the dream at us. But when dreams come true overnight they bring with them a set of challenges, complexities and difficult decisions. Muniya's dream of turning into a princess has come true.What will be the new challenges? Can Muniya live up to the challenges? Will hers be a happily-ever-after Story? Come witness the story unfold: Dekha Ek Khwaab.
Dekha Ek Khwaab : Episode 135 - 28th May 2012
Somewhere in us all of us have for us a large dream. A dream we visit now and then secretly. A dream which we ourselves believe is out of our reach. Few of us see life throw the dream at us. But when dreams come true overnight they bring with them a set of challenges, complexities and difficult decisions. Muniya's dream of turning into a princess has come true.What will be the new challenges? Can Muniya live up to the challenges? Will hers be a happily-ever-after Story? Come witness the story unfold: Dekha Ek Khwaab.
Dekha Ek Khwaab
9:18 AM
Khushi and Manorama see Arnav leaving the airport with some strangers in the video captured by the airport security camera. Khushi steals the video tape. She and Manorama try to find the identity of the kidnappers and their motive for kidnapping Arnav. Arnav dreams about Khushi. Akash promises to take Payal out for a movie. Khushi suspects that Shyam is involved in the kidnapping and spies on him. She overhears his phone conversation.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon : 29th May 2012
Khushi and Manorama see Arnav leaving the airport with some strangers in the video captured by the airport security camera. Khushi steals the video tape. She and Manorama try to find the identity of the kidnappers and their motive for kidnapping Arnav. Arnav dreams about Khushi. Akash promises to take Payal out for a movie. Khushi suspects that Shyam is involved in the kidnapping and spies on him. She overhears his phone conversation.
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon
9:14 AM
Pradeep Singh and Mona Singh are a young couple living independently in Mumbai in a nuclear setup with their 3 kids- Bulbul (9), Rano (7) and Rajbir (5). They have been married for 10years now and they have dealt with several situations together in the past. Pradeep has stepped out of his father's business and house and wants to carve his own niche. Mona has stood by him in this endeavor. Inspite of that Pradeep and Mona's pot of joy is spilling over- they have 3 children and a life which revolves around work and children.Their biggest achievement, the children, is also what has created a wedge between them. Mona whose only priority was her husband today has 3 kids screaming for her attention and at times even demanding it. Hers is the classic case of a woman who ceases to play any other role except that of a mom
Kya Huaa Tera Vaada : Episode 70 - 29th May 2012
Pradeep Singh and Mona Singh are a young couple living independently in Mumbai in a nuclear setup with their 3 kids- Bulbul (9), Rano (7) and Rajbir (5). They have been married for 10years now and they have dealt with several situations together in the past. Pradeep has stepped out of his father's business and house and wants to carve his own niche. Mona has stood by him in this endeavor. Inspite of that Pradeep and Mona's pot of joy is spilling over- they have 3 children and a life which revolves around work and children.Their biggest achievement, the children, is also what has created a wedge between them. Mona whose only priority was her husband today has 3 kids screaming for her attention and at times even demanding it. Hers is the classic case of a woman who ceases to play any other role except that of a mom
Kya Huaa Tera Vaada
9:12 AM
Bade Acche Laggte Hai is the story of two strangers getting married ... and falling in love. Priya is a happy go lucky woman in her early 30s, not married so far and quite sure that she wouldn't be able to get married ever. She takes tuitions for college students and is happy with the world.Ram Kapoor, a wealthy man in his early 40s, is a ruthless entrepreneur who also believes that he has missed the bus of marriage. But as fate would have it, they bump into each other through a minor car accident which hurts their egos more than their vehicles and then after a series of miscommunications and misunderstandings, destiny contrives once again to get the two married.What more surprises await Ram and Priya? Will they fall in love? To get these answers, watch Bade Acche Laggte Hai ... yeh dharti, yeh nadiyaa, yeh raina aur tum.
Bade Acche Lagte Hai : Episode 211 - 29th May 2012
Bade Acche Laggte Hai is the story of two strangers getting married ... and falling in love. Priya is a happy go lucky woman in her early 30s, not married so far and quite sure that she wouldn't be able to get married ever. She takes tuitions for college students and is happy with the world.Ram Kapoor, a wealthy man in his early 40s, is a ruthless entrepreneur who also believes that he has missed the bus of marriage. But as fate would have it, they bump into each other through a minor car accident which hurts their egos more than their vehicles and then after a series of miscommunications and misunderstandings, destiny contrives once again to get the two married.What more surprises await Ram and Priya? Will they fall in love? To get these answers, watch Bade Acche Laggte Hai ... yeh dharti, yeh nadiyaa, yeh raina aur tum.
Bade Acche Lagte Hai
8:19 AM
Rashmi Films Pvt. Ltd. presents
Nepali Movie – Tod (2008)
Starring – Biraj Bhatt, Suman Singh, Rekha Thapa, Uma Baby etc.
Animation – Achyut Gajurel
Writer/Director – Rajan Shrestha
Nepali Movie – Tod (2008) Watch online
Nepali Movie – Tod (2008)
Starring – Biraj Bhatt, Suman Singh, Rekha Thapa, Uma Baby etc.
Animation – Achyut Gajurel
Writer/Director – Rajan Shrestha
Nepali Movie