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Wildfire scorches hundreds of acres in Utah County

Written By Unknown on Friday, June 1, 2012 | 10:19 AM

A wildfire has charred hundreds of acres near Lake Mountain just south of Saratoga Springs (Don Hudson, Don Hudson)
A wildfire has charred hundreds of acres near Lake Mountain
 just south of Saratoga Springs (Don Hudson, Don Hudson)

SARATOGA SPRINGS, UTAH (ABC 4 News) – A fast-moving wildfire sent smoke billowing across Utah County and has consumed over 1000 acres of brush just south of Saratoga Springs in the Lake Mountain area.
Jason Curry with the Utah Division of Forestry says the fire was apparently started by a couple of men who were out target shooting in an area along State Route 68 Thursday afternoon.

The gunfire caused sparks in the dry grass, and Curry said the men tried to put out the flames. When their efforts were unsuccessful, they called 911.

Curry says the smoke was so thick it contributed to two traffic accidents in the area. And at one point, the flames jumped the West side of the road and began to burn on the East side about a half mile from a house and farm.

Firefighters quickly put that part of the fire out.

Curry says when firefighters arrived on scene, the flames were so intense they were swirling around “like a vortex” or a “mini tornado.” He says 20 mile per hour winds were not helping the situation.

120 fire fighters from eight different agencies were out battling the blaze on Thursday night.

State Route 68 was closed from just south of Saratoga Springs and just north of Elberta.
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