Headlines News :

Jire Khursani April 30th 2012

Written By Unknown on Monday, April 30, 2012 | 6:57 PM

Exclusive : हिरोईन खिच्न मनोज केसीले ५१ हजार लिए : रोज राणा (अडियो सहित)

Written By Unknown on Sunday, April 29, 2012 | 12:36 PM

गत चैत्र १८ गते भएको नेफ्टा अवार्डमा खुसुक्क क्यामेरा छिराएर माहोललाई आफ्नो क्यामेरामा कैद गरेका रोज राणाले ती दृश्य खिच्न प्राविधिक संघका उपाध्यक्ष मनोज केसीलाई ५१ हजार तिरेको खुलाशा गरेका छन् । कडाईका साथ चर्चित फिल्मकर्मीलाई समेत निम्ता नपुगेको सो अवार्डमा रोजले ५१ हजारमा छ वटा पास मिलाएर सो माहोललाई आफ्नो क्यामेरामा कैद गर्न सफल भएको अडियो टेप फिल्मीखबरले सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । 

अपकमिङ फिल्म हिरोईनका लागि रोजले अवार्ड कार्यक्रम खिच्नु पर्ने थियो जसका लागि उनले ब्यक्तिगत रूपमा त्यत्रो क्राउड जम्मा गरी अवार्डलाई नेचुरल बनाउन मुस्किल पर्थ्यो । जसकारण रोजले निकाले जुक्ति र दिए ५१ हजार घुस । यो बिषयमा फिल्मीखबरले मनोज केसीलाई सोधेको थियो, 'तपाईले ब्यक्तिगत रूपमा एकाउन्न हजार लिएर रोजको फिल्मको  सुटिङ गर्न हेल्प गर्नु भएछ नि ?' जवाफमा मनोजले आफूलाई फसाउने रोजले चाल चलेको भन्दै उनलाई प्रतिबाद गर्ने बताए । यस्तै रोजले आफूले उनलाई ५१ हजार दिएको बिषयमा मिडियाको अगाडी समेत बोल्न पछि नपर्ने तर्क अघि सारेका छन् ।

यस्तै संघलाई थाहा नदिई ब्यक्तिगत रूपमा मनोज केसीले सो रकम लिएको पुष्टी भए विधान बमोजिम उनलाई कारबाही गर्ने प्राविधिक संघका महासचिव अनन्त तिमिल्सिनाले प्रतिक्रिया दिएका छन् । विवादले भरिएको नेफ्टा अवार्डमा रेखा थापाले रावणको म्यूजिक लन्च गर्नुलाई पनि विभिन्न दृष्टीकोणले हेरिएको छ । संयोजक सम्झना उप्रेतीले अवार्डमा कुनै पनि प्रोमोशनल गतिविधिलाई प्राथामिकतमा नराख्ने बताउदै आएकी थिईन् तर कार्यक्रममा रेखा फिल्म्सको फिल्म रावणको म्यूजिक वर्ल्ड प्रिमियर गरियो । सेडुल भन्दा बाहिरको लिष्टबाट रावणको म्यूजिक लन्च गर्न दिएको बिषयमा ठूलै विवाद पनि भयो । साथै सो प्रसङ्गलाई पनि विभिन्न कोणबाट पनि हेरिएको छ ।

जे होस् अहिलेको बिबाद भनेको मनोज केसी र रोज राणाको लेनदेन कै हो । यो लेनदेनको प्रक्रियाले कुन मोड लिने हो त्यो हेर्न बाँकी नै छ । हाम्रो फलोअप न्यूज जारी रहने छ तर अहिलेलाई सुनौ रोज राणा र मनोज केसीको ५१ हजार लेन देन प्रसङ्ग एक्सक्लुसिभ रूपमा साथमा महासचिवको प्रतिक्रिया पनि ।

नोट : सातौ फिल्मको रूपमा निर्माण हुन लागेको हिरोईन भन्ने फिल्ममा हिरोईन बन्ने सपना बोकेर संघर्ष गर्न आउने एक युवतीको कथा हो जसका लागि हरेक फिल्म मेकरको गतिविधिलाई रोजले क्यामेरामा कैद गरी आफ्नो फिल्ममा  समेटिरहेका छन् । उनले पहिलो पटक लुटको ५१ दिने रिलिज सक्सेस पार्टीमा गोप्य ढङ्गले सवै माहोल खिचेका थिए । जुन माहोलमा निशा अधिकारी कन्ट्रोभर्सीलाई उनको क्यामेराले पनि कैद गरेको गरेको प्रसङ्ग बाहिरिएपछी सुटिङको बिषयमा विभिन्न बहस भैरहेका छन् ।

ब्रेकिङ : बिश्व ज्योती हलले क्यू तोड्यो, प्रहरीको घेरामा हल

राजधानीको मुटु जमलमा रहेको बिश्व ज्योती सिनेमा भवनले क्यू सिस्टम तोड्दै चलचित्र 'माई लाईफ' चलाए पछि निर्माता संघले हल बन्द गराएको छ ।

क्यू सिस्टमबाट 'रक्षक' चलचित्र चलिरहेको र सो चलचित्रको होल्डओभर पुगेको अवस्थामा हलले क्यू बाहिरको नयाँ फिल्म 'माई लाईफ' रिलिज गरेपछि संघले अहिले कुनै पनि शो चल्न दिएको छैन । अहिले हलमा संघका अध्यक्ष राजकुमार राई, सचिव सुरेश दर्पण पोखरेल सहितका सदस्यहरू उपस्थित छन् ।

नियम विपरित फिल्म चलाएकोले हल बन्द गरिएको संघका सचिव पोखरेलले फिल्मीखबरलाई जानकारी गराए । यता हल सञ्चालकले सुरक्षाका लागि हल परिसरमा प्रहरी खटाएको छ ।

घटनाको बारेमा थप विवरण केहि बेरमा अपडेट गर्नेछौं । फिल्मीखबर हेर्दै गर्नुहोला !

Crime Patrol : Episode 88 - Full Episode

Written By Unknown on Saturday, April 28, 2012 | 3:14 PM

Mumtaz, a girl belonging to middle class family, becomes the victim of greed and lust. Mumtaz Rape and Murder Case projects the ill-will and lust simmering in the minds of societys culprits. It also shows the cleverness of Police personnel and their capability to smell the foul game being played behind the screen. But will the Police be able to take the criminals in their clutches?
CRIME PATROL is a reality series. However the case presentation would be a story telling form that would have the interest of a fiction drama presentation. The prelude and finale to the case would make the case a complete story. Interactions with the analysts on the show would be treated with the audience interest point of view keeping it only as much as essential to the story telling. Going beyond the drama of police action in a crime situation, the show also aims to look into the why behind a crime. Police action on one hand gives the show the edge of how the law keepers bring the culprits to book or stop a crime from being committed. On the other hand, the show will also be looking at the sociological aspect behind a crime- both from the victim as well as the criminals side. The cases would be driven by cameras moving along with the police force from the time a crime is reported or when the police receive a call till the point the case is brought to a logical conclusion in the police records for further movement in the court of law. As such the police force is deemed to be the law keeper and not the justice authority.

Crime Patrol : Episode 87 - Full Episode

Abduction and killing of a 2-year old child in Lucknow presents forth a gruesome reality of our society. It showcases that how the crime creeping in our society impacts us to a great depth and a surprising extent. What happens when the crime is committed by minors?
CRIME PATROL is a reality series. However the case presentation would be a story telling form that would have the interest of a fiction drama presentation. The prelude and finale to the case would make the case a complete story. Interactions with the analysts on the show would be treated with the audience interest point of view keeping it only as much as essential to the story telling. Going beyond the drama of police action in a crime situation, the show also aims to look into the why behind a crime. Police action on one hand gives the show the edge of how the law keepers bring the culprits to book or stop a crime from being committed. On the other hand, the show will also be looking at the sociological aspect behind a crime- both from the victim as well as the criminals side. The cases would be driven by cameras moving along with the police force from the time a crime is reported or when the police receive a call till the point the case is brought to a logical conclusion in the police records for further movement in the court of law. As such the police force is deemed to be the law keeper and not the justice authority.

Crime Patrol : Episode 86 - Full Episode

The dreamy tale of one-sided love becomes a sordid tale of revenge and murder and a reason for Aggarwal family to mourn over. Hemant, who loves Aggarwals eldest daughter, turns into a revengeful lover after being rejected by her. The way he adopts to inflict pain on Aggarwal family brings an end to the whole happiness of the Aggarwal family.
CRIME PATROL is a reality series. However the case presentation would be a story telling form that would have the interest of a fiction drama presentation. The prelude and finale to the case would make the case a complete story. Interactions with the analysts on the show would be treated with the audience interest point of view keeping it only as much as essential to the story telling. Going beyond the drama of police action in a crime situation, the show also aims to look into the why behind a crime. Police action on one hand gives the show the edge of how the law keepers bring the culprits to book or stop a crime from being committed. On the other hand, the show will also be looking at the sociological aspect behind a crime- both from the victim as well as the criminals side. The cases would be driven by cameras moving along with the police force from the time a crime is reported or when the police receive a call till the point the case is brought to a logical conclusion in the police records for further movement in the court of law. As such the police force is deemed to be the law keeper and not the justice authority

Crime Patrol : Episode 85 - Full Episode

Chandni Rape Case projects the mentality of low bred culprits who do not hesitate to exploit the mentally challenged human beings, who are in dire need of care and attention. Manpur Police succeeds in getting one out of the two criminals involved in the case, while the other is still fugitive.
CRIME PATROL is a reality series. However the case presentation would be a story telling form that would have the interest of a fiction drama presentation. The prelude and finale to the case would make the case a complete story. Interactions with the analysts on the show would be treated with the audience interest point of view keeping it only as much as essential to the story telling. Going beyond the drama of police action in a crime situation, the show also aims to look into the why behind a crime. Police action on one hand gives the show the edge of how the law keepers bring the culprits to book or stop a crime from being committed. On the other hand, the show will also be looking at the sociological aspect behind a crime- both from the victim as well as the criminals side. The cases would be driven by cameras moving along with the police force from the time a crime is reported or when the police receive a call till the point the case is brought to a logical conclusion in the police records for further movement in the court of law. As such the police force is deemed to be the law keeper and not the justice authority.

CID : Episode 823 - 27th April 2012

The first thrilling investigative series on Indian Television, is today one of the most popular shows on Sony Entertainment Television. Dramatic and absolutely unpredictable, C.I.D. has captivated viewers over the last eleven years and continues to keep audiences glued to their television sets with its thrilling plots and excitement. Also interwoven in its fast paced plots are the personal challenges that the C.I.D. team faces with non-stop adventure, tremendous pressure and risk, all in the name of duty.The series consists of hard-core police procedural stories dealing with investigation, detection and suspense. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman [played by the dynamic Shivaji Satam]. While the stories are plausible, there is an emphasis on dramatic plotting and technical complexities faced by the police. At every stage, the plot throws up intriguing twists and turns keeping the officers on the move as they track criminals, led by the smallest of clues.

Adaalat : SuperStar Rehan Khan Is Shot Dead - Episode 1

Producer Dhiren Shah was completely frustrated as Superstar Rehan Khan left his film in the middle and selected another movie. Dhiren had invested Rs.30 cr. He had taken a loan which he could'nt fill back so his house was sealed. Rehan gets killed.
Dhiren made a plan to shoot Rehan during his film premiere Saazish but he could'nt shoot him as his gun was jam. This firing was seen by crores of people live and the case was really weak from K.D.Pathak's side finally he agrees to fight it but if Dhiren Shah did'nt killed Rehan then who killed him. Rehan's wife Nilima , Actress Jharna, Co actor Sarthak Sinha or Govardhan ? Who ? Will K.D.Pathak save producer Dhiren shah?
Adalat is a show revolving around KD Pathak, a suave, sophisticated, witty and yet unconventional lawyer who is known as a 'Houdini' in circles of law because he can get his clients out of the tightest of situations. His success rate of acquittals is 100 percent. But most importantly KD stands not for his client, but for Justice.

KD has an amazing eye for detail and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He always seems to know enough about every profession, and what he doesn't know he covers up/makes up with his smartness. A quick thinker.

KD steps into a case when all is doomed for the accused. All the doors are shut. When the prosecution has prepared a water tight open and shut case where even a blind man can tell that the accused is guilty. But no one can see the case from the angle KD does. He digs fervently for loopholes in the prosecution's case much to their frustration and thinking on his feet, he manages to turn the entire case around. Often through histrionics, magical gimmicks (since he has recently started learning magic ... and uses a parallel between magic and justice... that often what we see is not all... there is something beyond it), performances, which the Judge does not approve of ! And nor does his ex-love Maya (The Prosecutor who is often at the receiving end!) - But that is KD. Unstoppable, incorrigible and completely enthralling and entertaining. It is a treat to watch him perform in court week after week, tearing the toughest of cases to shreds and helping convict an evil scheming villain, and setting a poor hapless innocent victim free!

Adaalat : Akhri Fariyadi - Episode 114 - 21st April 2012

Adalat is a show - Promoolving around KD Pathak, a suave, sophisticated, witty and yet unconventional lawyer who is known as a 'Houdini' in circles of law because he can get his clients out of the tightest of situations. His success rate of acquittals is 100 percent. But most importantly KD stands not for his client, but for Justice.

KD has an amazing eye for detail and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He always seems to know enough about every profession, and what he doesn't know he covers up/makes up with his smartness. A quick thinker.

KD steps into a case when all is doomed for the accused. All the doors are shut. When the prosecution has prepared a water tight open and shut case where even a blind man can tell that the accused is guilty. But no one can see the case from the angle KD does. He digs fervently for loopholes in the prosecution's case much to their frustration and thinking on his feet, he manages to turn the entire case around. Often through histrionics, magical gimmicks (since he has recently started learning magic ... and uses a parallel between magic and justice... that often what we see is not all... there is something beyond it), performances, which the Judge does not approve of ! And nor does his ex-love Maya (The Prosecutor who is often at the receiving end!) - But that is KD. Unstoppable, incorrigible and completely enthralling and entertaining. It is a treat to watch him perform in court week after week, tearing the toughest of cases to shreds and helping convict an evil scheming villain, and setting a poor hapless innocent victim free!

Adaalat : Andesha Anhoni Ka Part - 2 - Episode 113 - 15th April 2012

Joydeep was shocked as Paloma revealed his name in the court for killing Krishna later a shocking incident takes place as Joydeep's coach gets killed and Paloma fails to share this incident with K.D. Pathak, there, Neerav is missing from Surat. Paloma predicts that a shooter is soon going to kill K.D.Pathak and thus a shooting incident takes place between killer and K.D.Pathak. Who killed Krishna? Paloma, Neerav, Ranjan, Mr. Keval Thakur or Nirmal.
Adalat is a show - Promoolving around KD Pathak, a suave, sophisticated, witty and yet unconventional lawyer who is known as a 'Houdini' in circles of law because he can get his clients out of the tightest of situations. His success rate of acquittals is 100 percent. But most importantly KD stands not for his client, but for Justice.

KD has an amazing eye for detail and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He always seems to know enough about every profession, and what he doesn't know he covers up/makes up with his smartness. A quick thinker.

KD steps into a case when all is doomed for the accused. All the doors are shut. When the prosecution has prepared a water tight open and shut case where even a blind man can tell that the accused is guilty. But no one can see the case from the angle KD does. He digs fervently for loopholes in the prosecution's case much to their frustration and thinking on his feet, he manages to turn the entire case around. Often through histrionics, magical gimmicks (since he has recently started learning magic ... and uses a parallel between magic and justice... that often what we see is not all... there is something beyond it), performances, which the Judge does not approve of ! And nor does his ex-love Maya (The Prosecutor who is often at the receiving end!) - But that is KD. Unstoppable, incorrigible and completely enthralling and entertaining. It is a treat to watch him perform in court week after week, tearing the toughest of cases to shreds and helping convict an evil scheming villain, and setting a poor hapless innocent victim free!

Adaalat : Andesha Anhoni Ka Part - 1 - Episode 112 - 14th April 2012

Paloma not only predicted Krishna's death but also reveals her Sister that she saw the killer later Cricketer Joydeep Sen gets arrested in the murder of Nirmal Raizada's wife Krishna Raizada who was suppose to break Cricketer Ranjan Sinha's record. Coach requests K.D.Pathak to save Joydeep. Court was shocked as Paloma reveals K.D.pathak that she saw Krishna's muder before she was killed. Paloma saves K.D. Pathak's life and he was shocked too. Why did Paloma blame Joydeep for killing Krishna Raizada?
Adalat is a show - Promoolving around KD Pathak, a suave, sophisticated, witty and yet unconventional lawyer who is known as a 'Houdini' in circles of law because he can get his clients out of the tightest of situations. His success rate of acquittals is 100 percent. But most importantly KD stands not for his client, but for Justice.

KD has an amazing eye for detail and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He always seems to know enough about every profession, and what he doesn't know he covers up/makes up with his smartness. A quick thinker.

KD steps into a case when all is doomed for the accused. All the doors are shut. When the prosecution has prepared a water tight open and shut case where even a blind man can tell that the accused is guilty. But no one can see the case from the angle KD does. He digs fervently for loopholes in the prosecution's case much to their frustration and thinking on his feet, he manages to turn the entire case around. Often through histrionics, magical gimmicks (since he has recently started learning magic ... and uses a parallel between magic and justice... that often what we see is not all... there is something beyond it), performances, which the Judge does not approve of ! And nor does his ex-love Maya (The Prosecutor who is often at the receiving end!) - But that is KD. Unstoppable, incorrigible and completely enthralling and entertaining. It is a treat to watch him perform in court week after week, tearing the toughest of cases to shreds and helping convict an evil scheming villain, and setting a poor hapless innocent victim free!

Step Up 2 - Movie Review

I went to the special premiere screening of Step Up 2 coincidentally with all the Top 12 finalists from So You Think You Can Dance (Australia) and honestly it was one of the WORST movies I've ever seen, hands down the WORST dance movie I've ever seen that it's the type of movie only worth downloading and watching from your computer. Or even just cut scenes from Youtube. That's because you can skip all the talking BS and go straight to the mediocre and overdramatized dance sequences which is probably the only reason people go to watch it anyway.

Ok, so I'm probably not the target audience. I'm a street dancer and as my fellow crew member Chux would say, "You're not a street dancer, if you're not on the street." Maybe I just had higher expectations, considering Jabbawockeez were involved, and their 30 second spot was the best part of the film. That, and Chase's (Robert Hoffman, You Got Served) freestyle solo in class.

The lead actors were dull and plain, lacking the street cred they claim in the film. There was so much cleavage or stomach being shown but at least it distracted me from the crap talking (and I don't mean the amusing type of crap). And Cassie, her role was so useless, she would've been better if her character was the evil bitch ex-girlfriend of the popular guy, or maybe they could've scrapped her altogether from the film, it prolly wouldn't have made a difference. Storyline? What storyline?

There were around 3 main dancing scenes, the first with the trampolines was not all that impressive, and the ending was a piece of crap. They took Omarion's rain scene from You Got Served, added a lot more people and a lot more rain and a longer routine. Sure, the dancing was cool but it wasn't all that fresh. I've seen much better on the streets and battlegrounds of Sydney.

I think watching America's Best Dance Crew and the 360 Crew Freestyle Battles a few weeks ago, set my standards for the dancing in this movie, so it's not so bad to those who don't watch a lot of live freestyle dance battles or street group showcases (i.e. Kabamodern and Jabbawockeez - youtube them!)

So just because I really disliked it doesn't mean I'm going to advise other people not to watch it because F*** you are all capable of making your own decisions and I encourage that. I actually thought the first one was alright, and it sh*ts all over this one.

I, Frankenstein (2013) Movie Preview, Images, and Videos

Starring: Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Yvonne Strahovski, Jai Courtney, Miranda Otto, Caitlin Stasey, Deniz Akdeniz, Socratis Otto, Chris Pang, Virginie Le Brun
Directed by: Stuart Beattie
Release Date: 2013

“I, Frankenstein” is a contemporary fantasy thriller in which the original monster of Victor Frankenstein stands between the human race and an uprising of supernatural creatures determined to overthrow the world.

Kung Fu Panda (2008) Movie Review

“Kung Fu Panda” is the story of a fat (is there any other kind?) panda that dreams about being an awesome kung fu warrior, and when given the chance, rises to the occasion. In-between those moments, we get plenty of fat jokes at the panda’s expense, and enough cartoon kung fu violence to, possibly, convince parents this may not be the right movie to be taking your very impressionable kids. Especially if said kids have a bad habit of using little sis as a punching dummy to try out his new “moves”.
The above said, Dreamworks’ “Kung Fu Panda” is a fun little movie, although “little” may be a bit of an exaggeration. Take a look at the voice cast: Jack Black as Po the panda, Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Jackie Chan as Monkey, Dustin Hoffman as Shifu, and of course, the always incredible Ian McShane (of Deadwood fame) as the villainous Tai Lung. Which reminds me: I was never really sure why Tai Lung was supposed to be such a villain; as far as I can tell, his only qualification for the mantle is that he’s really good at kung fu, and he really, really wants that kung fu scroll that, when read, will endow the reader with incredible kung fu mastery. But to hear the movie talk about him, you would think the guy went around eating babies or some such.
But I digress.
In “Kung Fu Panda”, Jack Black voices Po, a happy-go-lucky panda who toils away in his father’s (voiced by the venerable James Hong, no less) noodle shop. His father dreams of passing on the family business, which includes the family’s secret ingredient noodle soup recipe to his son, but Po has other dreams – namely joining up with his idols, the five martial arts masters known as the Furious Five, and fighting the good fight against villainy and such. Alas, being a panda, he’s a bit, well, fat, and not all that coordinated. Or fast. Or able to climb a lot of stairs really fast. Because, you know, being fat and all. But as it turns out, Po’s secret weapon is none other than his appetite and prodigious belly, which comes in mighty handy when Tai Lung escapes his prison (guarded by 1,000 soldiers to Tai Lung’s singular prisoner) and seeks vengeance after 20 years of captivity.
Along the way there’s something about Po being the chosen Dragon Warrior, destined to save the town from Tai Lung, or some such. Perhaps fortunately, such lofty screenwriting ambitions get lost in the film’s never ending flurry of fat jokes, which ranges from chuckle-worthy to gut-busters. There really isn’t a whole lot to “Kung Fu Panda” when you get right down to it – it’s the story of an overweight underdog who finally gets the chance to reach for the brass ring, and in the process realizes that his weaknesses were really his true strengths to begin with, and that he should embrace them. Or something to that effect. To be honest with you, I was too busy laughing to really notice.
As a caveat, I should say that I am not a big animation fan, and aside from Pixar, I couldn’t tell you the name of another studio that still makes animated movies today. “Kung Fu Panda” is not a Pixar movie, which doesn’t keep its animation from looking spectacular. The film’s one shortcoming is the story, which is not exactly deep stuff, and more often than not the film is one big flurry of animal kicks, punches, and secret moves. It’s basically a Shaw Brothers kung fu movie, except with actual animals instead of humans just doing the animal moves ala the praying mantis, the snake, the tiger, etc.
“Kung Fu Panda” was an excursion to the theaters by myself and a small army of nieces and nephews. They all enjoyed it, with the exception of the smallest nephew, who kept asking me when we were going to leave to go play in the arcade next door. Later, during the climactic battle between Po and Tai Lung, my nephew fell asleep. The rest were old enough to enjoy most, if not all of the comedy, and had a ball from opening to closing credits. Unlike a lot of Pixar’s animated movies, I don’t think there were any of the “just for you adults” jokes in “Kung Fu Panda”. Maybe I missed them. The huge helping of cartoony violence aside, “Panda” seems tailored for kids, and adults who can laugh without expecting too much from the slim story. In that respect, it’s a rousing success.
Mark Osborne, John Stevenson (director) / Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger (screenplay), Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris (story)
CAST: Jack Black … Po (voice)
Dustin Hoffman … Shifu (voice)
Angelina Jolie … Tigress (voice)
Ian McShane … Tai Lung (voice)
Jackie Chan … Monkey (voice)
Seth Rogen … Mantis (voice)
Lucy Liu … Viper (voice)
David Cross … Crane (voice)

Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000)

The first Urban Legend film ended with the death of the serial killer shrouded in mystery clearly pointing at a sequel. Urban Legends: Final Cut completely ignores that scenario (except until the very end) and comes up with a new one that is a rehash of the original film, but arguably executed slightly better.

In this film, Amy Mayfield (Jennifer Morrison) is a film student at Alpine University trying to come up with a thesis project. Given that her father is a famous director, there are heavy expectations placed on her. She finally decides on a project featuring a serial killer whose modus operandi is based on urban legends, myths where young college students are killed in hideous and gruesome ways.

Needless to say, this idea takes on a life of its own as people around Amy start dying. As in the Scream films, there are a lot of red herrings as to the identity of the real killer. In this film, the ending was one of the more surprising ones for me (though not completely a shock).

The suspense level in the film is fairly high (thanks in part of the surreal visual effects) and perhaps the cleverest aspect of the movie is that it dismisses the events in the first one as an urban legend (also the multiple choice involving guns at the end is amusing). The acting is passable. Urban Legends: Final Cut is a decent time killer and worth the matinee fare on the big screen. I don't recommend renting it though, unless you're a fan of the self-referential slash/gore horror genre.

The first Urban Legend film ended with the death of the serial killer shrouded in mystery clearly pointing at a sequel. Urban Legends: Final Cut completely ignores that scenario (except until the very end) and comes up with a new one that is a rehash of the original film, but arguably executed slightly better.

In this film, Amy Mayfield (Jennifer Morrison) is a film student at Alpine University trying to come up with a thesis project. Given that her father is a famous director, there are heavy expectations placed on her. She finally decides on a project featuring a serial killer whose modus operandi is based on urban legends, myths where young college students are killed in hideous and gruesome ways.

Needless to say, this idea takes on a life of its own as people around Amy start dying. As in the Scream films, there are a lot of red herrings as to the identity of the real killer. In this film, the ending was one of the more surprising ones for me (though not completely a shock).

The suspense level in the film is fairly high (thanks in part of the surreal visual effects) and perhaps the cleverest aspect of the movie is that it dismisses the events in the first one as an urban legend (also the multiple choice involving guns at the end is amusing). The acting is passable. Urban Legends: Final Cut is a decent time killer and worth the matinee fare on the big screen. I don't recommend renting it though, unless you're a fan of the self-referential slash/gore horror genre.
The first Urban Legend film ended with the death of the serial killer shrouded in mystery clearly pointing at a sequel. Urban Legends: Final Cut completely ignores that scenario (except until the very end) and comes up with a new one that is a rehash of the original film, but arguably executed slightly better.

In this film, Amy Mayfield (Jennifer Morrison) is a film student at Alpine University trying to come up with a thesis project. Given that her father is a famous director, there are heavy expectations placed on her. She finally decides on a project featuring a serial killer whose modus operandi is based on urban legends, myths where young college students are killed in hideous and gruesome ways.

Needless to say, this idea takes on a life of its own as people around Amy start dying. As in the Scream films, there are a lot of red herrings as to the identity of the real killer. In this film, the ending was one of the more surprising ones for me (though not completely a shock).

The suspense level in the film is fairly high (thanks in part of the surreal visual effects) and perhaps the cleverest aspect of the movie is that it dismisses the events in the first one as an urban legend (also the multiple choice involving guns at the end is amusing). The acting is passable. Urban Legends: Final Cut is a decent time killer and worth the matinee fare on the big screen. I don't recommend renting it though, unless you're a fan of the self-referential slash/gore horror genre.

Watch Season of the Witch Online Megavideo

Season of the Witch is a 2011 American period action film with supernatural elements and directed by Dominic Sena. The film stars Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman as knights who return from the Crusades to find their homeland ruined by the Black Plague. A girl is accused of being a witch and causing the devastation. The film will be released on January 7, 2011.

Season of The Witch 2011 Synopsis :
Many years have Behmen (Nicolas Cage) and Felson (Ron Perlman) lives in battle. Sharply honed instinct they have their instincts as a fighter while also not be underestimated. Unfortunately, the two soldiers of the Crusades was not aware that they face a task that would have proved far more terrible than a battle they've ever experienced.

How disappointed Behmen and Felson when returned to their hometown and found their shattered homeland ravaged, not by enemy but because of an outbreak that has swept the land. Rarely can survive the deadly plague and the only hope left is Behmen and Felson. Church and Felson Behmen ordered to arrest and bring a young girl named Anna (Claire Foy), who was accused as the cause of the horrible plague to a monastery for this plague to an end.

Anna should follow a cleansing ritual that will end the storm that has engulfed the death of the entire European continent. Behmen and Felson not alone. There was a priest named Debelzaq (Stephen Campbell Moore), a soldier named Eckhardt (Ulrich Thomsen, a con man named Hagamar (Stephen Graham), and a young man named Kay (Robert Sheehan). None of them are aware of how much danger would they face in bringing Anna's journey into the remote monastery. And no one knows who the real Anna.

Season of the Witch
Genre : Thriller
Release Date : January 7, 2011
Director : Dominic Sena
Script : Bragi F. Schut
Producer : Alex Gartner, Charles Roven
Distributor : Relativity Media
Duration : 92 minutes
Budget : -
Official Site : seasonofthewitchthemovie.com

X-Men: First Class Online Free

X-Men: First Class Movie is a series of the 5th of the movie X-Men after the X-Men trilogy and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. X-Men: First Class is the prequel of the X-Men trilogy set in the 60s when Charles Xavier and Eric Lehnsherr / Magneto is still young.

Movie Details
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, January Jones
Running Time: 131 Minutes

Like the four previous series, the film adaptation of the Marvel comic is also predicted to be as successful as the previous films. Film-film adaptation of the Marvel comic is much demand and has proved more successful even in the year 2011 alone 4 movie Marvel is ready to call it aired Thor (already aired last May and had topped the box office), X-Men: First Class (aired June 3 of this), Captain America: First Avenger (aired in July), and Spider-Man 4 (TBA).

X-Men: First Class Movie Synopsis :

X-Men: First Class Movie tells of the friendship of Charles Xavier (played by James McAvoy) and Eric Lehnserr (played by Michael Fassbender). Their friendship eventually dropped out due to disagreements. Charles then formed the group X-Men while Erick formed Brotherhood of mutants. In addition to Professor X and Magneto, another character known in previous X-Men series is Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy, aka Beast (played by Nicholas Hoult) and Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence). Antagonist character in this film are a group of Hellfire Club, chaired by Sebastian Shaw (played by Kevin Bacon) who has the power to absorb the kinetic energy weapon fire and then use it to increase strength and speed.

X-Men: First Class Youtube Trailer Video

X-Men First Class Movie Trailer 2 Official [HD] new 2011

X-Men First Class is an upcoming 2011 American superhero film directed by Matthew Vaughn. It is based on the characters appearing in Marvel Comics and is the fifth installment of the X-Men film series and prequel to X-Men. X-Men: First Class is scheduled for release on June 3, 2011.

The film is set in 1962 and will focus on the relationship between Professor X and Magneto and the origin of their groups, the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants. The film stars James McAvoy as Professor X and Michael Fassbender as Magneto. Other cast members include Kevin Bacon, January Jones, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Zoe Kravitz, and Lucas Till. The film was mostly shot in England and parts of the United States. Fox envisions this film as the first in a new trilogy.

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensher took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN.

X-Men First Class trailer courtesy 20th Century Fox.

Genre: Action Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Thriller

Official Website: http://www.x-menfirstclassmovie.com/

Director: Matthew Vaughn

Writers: Ashley Miller, Zack Stentz, Jane Goldman Matthew Vaughn Sheldon Turner Bryan Singer

Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence

Matthew Vaughn a producer and director is known for producing such films as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch and directing the films Layer Cake, Stardust and Kick-Ass.

James Andrew McAvoy a Scottish stage and screen actor is best-known for his work in The Last King of Scotland and Atonement, both of which earned him BAFTA Award nominations, and the TV series Shameless. McAvoy has won the BAFTA Rising Star Award and a BAFTA Scotland award. He has also been nominated for an ALFS Award, a European Film Award, and a Golden Globe award.

Michael Fassbender a German-Irish actor who played Lt. Archie Hicox in Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds. His other credits include Jane Eyre, the Sky One television series Hex, the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, Zack Snyder's 300, and the 2008 BAFTA-winning film Hunger. In X-Men: First Class Fassbender will play a young Magneto.

Jennifer Lawrence a film and television actress has acted in TBS's The Bill Engvall Show and in the independent films The Burning Plain and Winter's Bone, for which she received critical acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. She was recently cast as Katniss Everdeen in the upcoming film, The Hunger Games, which is based on the first book in The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins.

Your daily dose of everything movies. Our passionate team of producers bring you the best of officially licensed movie trailers, clips and featurettes.

Spartacus Gods Of The Arena Reckoning

Having simply just a pair of episodes associated with Spartacus: Gods on the Area left in order to weather, Now i'm pondering of which items are usually stocking up on towards one thing significant. To get those of you that have happen to be viewing your Spartacus prequel, we've found a clip and many specifics of the following Comes to an end night’s show of which you’ll undoubtedly wish to think about.

Final Comes to an end night’s show has been information on decadence within the section of Lucretia and Batiatus’ pals. The following Comes to an end nighttime, it appears your gladiators are increasingly being place on the test as Titus wants to discover which usually analysts actually are worthy of his or her make. Will certainly the following often be Crixus’ possible opportunity to glow?

Spartacus Gods from the Arena Episode a few on Feb 18, 2011 along with preserve one of the best of your respective Fri while using sequence with this is the prelude to the previous fitting up in such a six units connected with episode from the prequel sequence.

Spartacus Gods of the Arena Episode 5 Reckoning Synopsis:

Batiatus’s father arranges a tournament between his gladiators to put his ludus into a test and determine the worth of his men. Fully committed to succeed, Crixus finds himself drawn into the power play within the house.

Ep 5 "Reckoning" Preview - Batiatus' father announces a tournament to determine the worth of the men that make up his stable of gladiators. Crixus, dedicated to proving himself, is drawn into the power play within the house.
Friday Feb 18 at 10pm e/p on Starz

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 on Stranger Tides

Johnny Depp goodness. Is there really anyone out there who could make a sexier pirate that Johnny? Not bloody likely!

ON STRANGER TIDES is one of the best PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movies to date. There were some doubts going into this as two key characters from the original trilogy are missing, Will and Elizabeth Turner. While Will and Elizabeth added a lot to the first three films their absence in the fourth is hardly worth mentioning. A new cast mixed with many old favorites makes for a great story.

On this adventure Jack faces off against Blackbeard, vicious mermaids, and an old girlfriend while searching for The Fountain of Youth. It’s good to see that Jack is keeping busy.

This movie is fun and exciting, loaded with action. There’s even a nice cliff-hanger to encourage the idea of a PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5. It seems like this franchise can truly go on forever without getting stale. Jack is such a great character that movies about him can never be boring.

The only disappointing aspect of this movie is the very minimal amount of screen time allotted to Jack the Monkey. That monkey is darn cute and kind of serves as a mascot for these films. Besides it’s a simple fact that monkeys should always have maximum screen time.

ON STRANGER TIDES is a great addition to a great franchise. This movie is not to be missed.

Watch Pirates of the Caribbean 4 On Stranger Tides Youtube Trailer
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

There are few roles in which I like Johnny Depp, but every time he plays an off-beat character, I really enjoy his performance. The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is one such occasion.

Here Depp stars as Jack Sparrow, the famous pirate captain of the Black Pearl who was abandoned on an island by his first mate Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). Through luck, Jack manages to survive and ends up on Port Royal in the Caribbean where he encounters an ongoing soap opera featuring Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightly) the governor's daughter; Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), the son of a former pirate but taken in by the governor, and Norrington (Jack Davenport), the commander in charge of the armed forces on the island who is set to marry the governor's daughter. Jack not only has to deal with the governor and the commander who consider him a thieving pirate, but also with Barbossa and his crew who have now acquired the infamous curse of the Black Pearl.

One of the best aspects of the film is Depp's walk, which people say I mimicked when I was in Thailand and handed a drink which I just took a sip from but made me feel really woozy (there are stories of people drugging foreigners to take their money but fortunately I was with friends). It completely dominates the film. There's also a clever, but predictable, way out of the situation that Jack ends up being thrust in (namely, how does one kill things that can't die). In general the movie is characterised by situations where at first Jack appears to be doing something stupid but in reality is doing something very smart. This leads to some comic relief.

The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was a surprisingly good movie, much better than I expected. I highly recommend checking it out on the big screen.

Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World

Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World is essentially a rehash of the original. Man messes with nature. Things go wrong. People get eaten. The major difference is in the last part which is quite sophomoric and not at all fitting of Steven Spielberg.

It is four years after the horrific disaster that happened at Jurassic Park. Again, we meet the good doctor, John Hammond (Richard Attenborough), no longer at the head of his company but still pulling a few strings behind the back of his son, Peter (Arliss Howard). The original base camp of operations set up by Hammond on Isla Sorna, Site B, still exists and there are living colonies of dinosaurs there. Hammond, who has gone from capitalist to naturalist, wants to observe the creatures in their natural habitat and put to rest years of speculation about the lives of the great animals.

Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) is asked to come on board the team sent to scout the island where the dinosaurs live. He refuses until he learns that his girlfriend, paleontologist Dr. Sarah Harding (Julianne Moore) is already alone on the island. He then becomes part of a rescue mission including himself, photographer Nick Van Owen (Vince Vaughn), equipment specialist Eddie Carr (Richard Schiff), and his daughter Kelly Curtis (Vanessa Lee Chester) who stowed away in the back of the van.

Besides the animals who would like to have humans for din-din, Malcolm's team has to cope with Peter Hammond and Roland Tembo (Pete Postlethwaite). Tembo's goal is to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex to prove man is the greatest hunter. Peter wants to capture the animals and bring them to the mainland to create "Jurassic Park, San Diego". Bad idea.

Spielberg and company, clearly realising they had a winning formula the last time around, don't deviate very much from it. By the time the Tyrannosaurus Rex gets to San Diego, I couldn't help but thinking I had just seen Jurassic Park again.

What is missing in this movie compared to the original is the intellectual aspect. There's no talk of chaos, no background about how the animals were bred and raised, no delving into evolution about how the animals could overcome their lysine deficiency, and no "this is Unix, I know this stuff!" Viewers are simply expected to have this knowledge, and this means more time for bone crunching effects. As a result, we have a movie that is darker and gorier than the original.

The movie is entertaining and has some interesting messages about cruelty to animals and leaving nature alone to do as it will. See it for the matinee price but don't spend the big bucks on this one.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The second Harry Potter film is better than the first, not because it is true to the book's story, but because it is true to the book's atmosphere.

The first Harry Potter movie was very good, but it stayed so close to the book that it spread itself too thin trying to get at every single detail. This adaptation of Joanne Rowling's second book (which I think is the weakest among the entire series) does indeed have all the good parts but focuses primarily on the main storyline. The film skips a lot of the background details, which makes for effective pacing, while taking liberties with the story to fit the big screen.

Here Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliff) and his friends, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) once again encounter Voldemort (Christian Coulson) as a memory that has the power to become real. Voldemort opens the Chamber of Secrets freeing a fearsome Basilisk, an Alien-like snake that can kill with a glance. The snake's attacks threaten to close down Hogwarts School and Harry must stop them or be sent home to live with his foster parents (you can understand his motivation when you meet them at the introduction of every book/film).

The film is darker than the first, with scenes that are definitely creepy: Harry's encounter with a strange hand in Diagon Alley, Ron and Harry getting stuck in a willow tree that attacks them with its branches, Harry and Ron escaping from the giant spiders, and Harry's final battle with the Basilisk. There are also some Orwellian themes touched upon here, including Dobby the Elf's masochism and slavery, the ideal of some of the "Purebloods" to cleanse Hogwarts of the "Mudbloods".

The familiar high-profile cast do a fine job, with the newcomers, Kenneth Branagh as the pompous (and hilarious) new Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart, and Jason Isaacs as an evil-oozing Lucius Malfoy, particularly standing out. While the child actors carry their roles well, some of them do tend to overact. The score does a great highlighting the suspense, which there exists a lot of.

The set design and accompanying cinematography and production deserves a paragraph of its own. The integration of computer generated images and the actors is very seamless. The Hogwarts school, the surrounding countryside, and the brief Quidditch match are all rendered with amazing reality.

If the first film was the setup, this one's definitely the payoff. Even though I know what happens next, I can't wait to see it.

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to translate a book into a movie. The problem has to do with one's imagination: words in a book conjure up images that are highly personal and subjective, and any attempt by a third party to lend form to them ends up disappointing. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is no exception in this regard, but fortunately, the imagery presented is awesome and wondrous in its own right.

The film is made strictly by the book: Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), a young boy mistreated by his foster family, learns that he is special and comes of age... in the Hogwart's School of Magic (!) where he learns wizardry, plays Quidditch and fights an evil despotic wizard (who does not turn out to be his father).

While the movie stays fastidiously true to Joanne Rowling's book, perhaps one of the best adaptations ever, the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words doesn't hold true here. For the most part, from the initial victory of the baby Harry Potter upto the Quidditch match, a lot of the details are skipped. What we're presented with is a jump from one scene to another (sometimes too quickly) that illustrates with painstaking effort the magical realm that Rowling has constructed in her series. For example, while the opening sequence shows Professor Albus Dumbledore (Richard Harris) turning out the lights in a street, Professor McGonagall (Maggie Smith) changing to her true form from being a cat, and Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) bringing Harry on his flying motorcycle, we're not really shown the celebration of Lord Voldemort's fall. This isn't criticism but just an observation; in fact, I think doing this is especially okay if one is familiar with the Harry Potter books, but it does impart a sense of urgency in the beginning portions of the film.

I marvelled at how technology enabled the film makers to make possible the wonders of Harry's world, including Diagon Alley and Gringotts Bank, the moving pictures, Hogwarts Castle, the Sorting Hat (Leslie Phillips), the ghosts in the Castle (including a cameo by John Cleese), Fluffy the three-headed dog, the ugly troll, and so on. I believe that it is technology that makes the Harry Potter film authentic, in the same way as in the X-Men or the How the Grinch Stole Christmas movies, by letting at least the imagination of a few people come to life as vibrantly as possible. Most of what I imagined and what was projected on the screen weren't really colinear, but it was still cool, incredibly so at times, to watch.

The movie, however, picked up with the first Quidditch match where Harry, on a broomstick, plays the position of a Seeker after the Golden Snitch, a particularly hard-to-catch ball, which is key to winning a game. The inspired depiction of the game meshed with my imagination extremely well, and from there on, the story of Harry's second encounter with the dark Lord Voldemort (Richard Bremmer) enfolded in a less fragmented and more cohesive manner. The final confrontation, and what Harry and his friends have to do get there, is a delight to watch.

For those paying attention, the main change from the book has to do with how Hagrid's dragon is disposed of and the resulting consequences. The ghosts also play a smaller role here though given the movie's running time, I'm not surprised parts like those were omitted.

The actors playing the young leads give decent performances, with Emma Watson as the know-it-all Hermione Granger standing out. The adult actors aren't given much time but they all present solid performances. The score by John Williams is simple but effective. The set design, cinematography, and visuals are impressive. Director Chris Columbus does a great job of bringing to the big screen the Enid Blyton-like atmosphere that Rowling's books exude.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a great movie to watch. I viewed it from the perspective of someone who is intimately familiar with the books, and I believe there is strong merit to watching it being completely unfamiliar with the story, a choice I do not have given that I've read the four books a few times. Definitely check it out on the big screen and make sure you goto the bathroom before.

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Spiderman 3

The Spiderman movies have definitely changed the story from the comic book. Watching the first of the film , I wasn't happy with the depiction of Peter Parker as more self-centred and vain, which is unusually in the context of the comic books. At this moment, Peter Park goes through so much crap that it's a wonder he doesn't commit suicide (it's kind of like Jack Bauer in 24).

Some factual points that were changed, which I'll agree was necessary to make a decent movie, are as follows: The Venom costume is an alien being acquired during the Secret Wars battle with the Beyonder (which was one of the best "cosmic" series Marvel has put out). Spiderman doesn't want to kill villains; even when he is beaten and pulverised, he holds back from taking the ultimate step (in fact, it is rare to show people dying in the comic books). Harry Osborn is more like the depiction of Normie Osborn (the son of Harry and Liz Allan) who is friends with the daughter of Spiderman (Spidergirl). Gwen Stacy is killed by the first Green Goblin (Norman Osborn). The people of New York have rarely been on the side of Spiderman. J. Jonah Jameson has always had a point in saying that it is people like Spiderman who create the villains. And so on.

It's difficult for me to reconcile what I know of Spiderman's history with a movie story that does its best and I admire that. A problem with the movies is that they can't intersect with the other characters from the Marvel Universe. It would be great to have movies like the Secret Wars or the Infinity Gauntlet, War, and Crusade series where a bunch of the Marvel superheroes get together and the stories make more sense (for example, explaining the origin of the Venom symbiote), but I guess that would be a logistic and budgetary nightmare.

Halfway through the movie, the story gets in line with what you'd expect from the book. The rejected symbiote bonds with a humiliated Eddie Brock to become Venom, one of the coolest villains to be introduced in the later years. The Sandman is a villain who is ambiguous. And Spiderman has a run of bad luck and is pummeled constantly but triumphs in the end against all odds.

I once wrote a review of the Batman series where I connected them to a lot of the comic books (I own a huge number of Spiderman comic books) and some other reviewer criticised my review. The perspective I offer is fairly unique: it is based on an experience I can't ignore or negative, and I think it helps place the movie in context of a long history of the books. So if you're interested in the saga of Spiderman beyond what you see in the three movies, I recommend buying some of the great story arcs of Spiderman just to see how complicated and mythological the creations are.

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