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50's housewives skinnier from doing chores?

Written By Unknown on Saturday, May 26, 2012 | 11:11 AM

*50's housewives skinnier from doing chores?
The good 1950's housewife, she cooked, she cleaned, and she burned major calories, around a thousand a day to be exact. Because of that, their waistlines were an average of 6 inches smaller than ladies in 2012. That's according to a new study that credits household chores for women being smaller 60 years ago.

"Yeah, I believe it. We have cleaning ladies, a lot of us, it's terrible to say but it's true," said modern mom Carolyn Ashwal.

If you think about it, it makes sense. Before there were fancy vacuums, washing machines, and as Carolyn said, cleaning ladies, women had to do everything by hand. That takes a lot of elbow grease. It's extra effort we don't have to give now.

“We've definitely become more lazy probably because convenience. We have fast foods we have remotes. Instead of a hammer, we use a hammer gun now," said trainer Ron Williams.

Williams is a former Mr. Universe. He said this study should be a wake up call.

"This study I think is a great study because it is an eye opener. In America, we need to start moving," he said.

Today, women are not as active and we eat an average of 400 more calories a day. Ron said all the preservatives in our food, and drinks make it worse.

"There’s a bigger problem we have, what I call chemical warfare. We have so many chemicals in our environment that actually contributes to us becoming overweight and obese," Williams said.

We may never get to the point where we're burning a thousand calories cleaning each day, but Ron says if you add more activity to your routine, like cleaning or parking your car further away from your destination, you'll get a little extra cardio. He also said; try to cut some of those preservatives out of your food. Doing both can help trim your waistline.
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